Source code for dye_score.dye_score

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import os
import numpy as np
import shutil
import yaml

from dask import delayed, compute
from dask.dataframe import (
from pandas import (
    DataFrame as pd_DataFrame,
    read_csv as pd_read_csv
from pprint import pprint
from s3fs import S3FileSystem, S3Map
from xarray import (

from .distances import (
from .utils import (

def get_raw_snippet_from_row(row):
    script_url = row.script_url
    func_name = row.func_name
    if script_url == '':
        script_url = row.document_url
    netloc = get_netloc(script_url)
    path = get_path(script_url)
    path_end = get_end_of_path(path)
    return netloc + '||' + path_end + '||' + func_name

[docs]class DyeScore: """ Args: config_file_path (str): The path of your config file that is used for dye score to interact with your environment. Holds references to file paths and private data such as AWS API keys. Expects a YAML file with the following keys: * INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION - the location of the raw or sampled OpenWPM input parquet folder * DYESCORE_DATA_DIR - location where you would like dye score to store data assets * DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR - location where you would like dye score to store results assets * USE_AWS - default False - set true if data store is AWS * AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - optional - for storing and retrieving data on AWS * AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - optional - for storing and retrieving data on AWS * SPARK_S3_PROTOCOL - default 's3' - only s3 or s3a are used * PARQUET_ENGINE - default 'pyarrow' - pyarrow or fastparquet Locations can be a local file path or a bucket. validate_config (bool, optional): Run ``DyeScore.validate_config`` method. Defaults to ``True``. print_config (bool, optional): Print out config once saved. Defaults to ``False``. sc (SparkContext, optional): If accessing s3 via s3a, pass spark context to set aws credentials """ __conf = { "INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION": "", "DYESCORE_DATA_DIR": "", "DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR": "", "USE_AWS": False, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": "", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": "", } dye_score_columns = [ 'top_level_url', 'document_url', 'script_url', 'func_name', 'symbol', ] dye_score_files = { 'raw_snippet_call_df': 'raw_snippet_call_df.parquet', 'raw_snippet_to_snippet_lookup': 'snippet_lookup.parquet', 'snippets': 'snippets.zarr', 'snippet_dyeing_map': 'snippet_dyeing_map.parquet', } def __init__(self, config_file_path, validate_config=True, print_config=False, sc=None): if not os.path.exists(config_file_path): raise ValueError(f'config_file_path `{config_file_path}` not found') with open(config_file_path, 'r') as f: config = yaml.safe_load( self.__conf['INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION'] = config['INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION'] self.__conf['DYESCORE_DATA_DIR'] = config['DYESCORE_DATA_DIR'] self.__conf['DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR'] = config['DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR'] # Default to data dir if not provided self.__conf['TMP_DIR'] = config.get('TMP_DIR', config['DYESCORE_DATA_DIR']) use_aws = config.get('USE_AWS', False) self.__conf['USE_AWS'] = bool(use_aws) self.__conf['SPARK_S3_PROTOCOL'] = config.get('SPARK_S3_PROTOCOL', 's3') self.__conf['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = config.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', '') self.__conf['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = config.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', '') self.__conf['PARQUET_ENGINE'] = config.get('PARQUET_ENGINE', 'pyarrow') if print_config: pprint(self.__conf) if validate_config: self.validate_config() if sc and use_aws and self.config('SPARK_S3_PROTOCOL') == 's3a': sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('fs.s3a.access.key', self.config('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')) sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('fs.s3a.secret.key', self.config('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')) @property def s3(self): if self.config('USE_AWS'): return S3FileSystem(**self.s3_storage_options) @property def s3_storage_options(self): """s3 storage options built from config Returns: dict. if USE_AWS is True returns s3 options as dict, else None. """ if self.config('USE_AWS') is True: return dict( anon=False, key=self.config('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'), secret=self.config('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY') ) else: return None @property def to_parquet_opts(self): """Options used when saving to parquet.""" return dict( compression='snappy', engine=self.config('PARQUET_ENGINE'), storage_options=self.s3_storage_options ) @property def from_parquet_opts(self): """Options used when saving to parquet.""" return dict( engine=self.config('PARQUET_ENGINE'), storage_options=self.s3_storage_options ) def get_zarr_store(self, file_path): if self.config('USE_AWS') is True: return S3Map(root=file_path.lstrip('s3://'), s3=self.s3) else: return file_path
[docs] def config(self, option): """Method to retrieve config values Args: option (str): The desired config option key Returns: The config option value """ return self.__conf[option]
[docs] def validate_config(self): """Validate the config data. Currently just checks that values are correct for aws. Raises AssertionError if values are incorrect. """ if self.config('USE_AWS') is True: assert self.config('INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION').startswith(f's3://') assert self.config('DYESCORE_DATA_DIR').startswith(f's3://')
[docs] def dye_score_data_file(self, filename): """Helper function to return standardized filename. DyeScore class holds a dictionary to standardize the file names that DyeScore saves. This method looks up filenames by their short name. Args: filename (str): data file name Returns: str. The path where the data file should reside """ dyescoredir = self.config('DYESCORE_DATA_DIR') path = os.path.join(dyescoredir, self.dye_score_files[filename]) return path
[docs] def validate_input_data(self): """Checks for expected columns and types in input data.""" in_file = self.config('INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION') df = read_parquet(in_file, **self.from_parquet_opts) for column in self.dye_score_columns: assert column in df.columns, f'{column} missing from df.columns ({df.columns})' assert df[column].dtype == 'object', f'{column} does not have dtype `object`' return True
def spark_convert(self, path): if self.config('USE_AWS') and self.config('SPARK_S3_PROTOCOL') == 's3a': return path.replace('s3://', 's3a://') else: return path
[docs] def get_input_df(self, columns=None): """Helper function to return the input dataframe. Args: columns (list, optional): List of columns to retrieve. If None, all columns are returned. Returns: dask.DataFrame. Input dataframe with subset of columns requested. """ if not columns: columns = self.dye_score_columns in_file = self.config('INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION') df = read_parquet(in_file, columns=columns, **self.from_parquet_opts) return df
## # DATA PROCESSING # # In the next few methods we switch between dask and spark. We switch to spark # whenever we need to leverage its superior performance handling strings. ##
[docs] def file_in_validation(self, inpath): """Check path exists. Raises ValueError if not. Used for input files, as these must exist to proceed. Args: inpath (str): Path of input file """ if self.config('USE_AWS') is True: exists = self.s3.exists(inpath) else: exists = os.path.exists(inpath) if not exists: raise ValueError(f'File {inpath} does not exist. Cannot proceed.')
[docs] def file_out_validation(self, outpath, override): """Check path exists. Raises ValueError if override is False. Otherwises removes the existing file. Args: outpath (str): Path of ourput file. override (bool): Whether to raise an error or remove existing data. """ if self.config('USE_AWS') is True: exists = self.s3.exists(outpath) else: exists = os.path.exists(outpath) if exists and override is False: raise ValueError(f'File {outpath} already exists. Use `override=True` to remove and replace.') if exists and override is True: print(f'Removing existing file {outpath}') if self.config('USE_AWS') is True: self.s3.rm(outpath, recursive=True) else: if os.path.isdir(outpath): shutil.rmtree(outpath) else: os.remove(outpath) return True
[docs] def build_raw_snippet_df(self, override=False, snippet_func=None): """Builds raw_snippets from input data Default snippet function is ``script_url.netloc||script_url.path_end||func_name`` If script_url is missing, location is used. Args: override (bool): True to replace any existing outputs snippet_func (function): Function that accepts row of data as input and computes the snippet value. Default provided. Returns: str. The file path where output is saved """ # File setup inpath = self.config('INPUT_PARQUET_LOCATION') outpath = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_call_df') self.file_in_validation(inpath) self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) # Process if not snippet_func: snippet_func = get_raw_snippet_from_row df = read_parquet(inpath, columns=self.dye_score_columns, **self.from_parquet_opts) df['raw_snippet'] = df.apply(snippet_func, axis=1, meta='O') df['called'] = 1 print(df.head()) df.to_parquet(outpath, **self.to_parquet_opts) return outpath
[docs] def build_snippet_map(self, override=False): """Builds snippet ids and saves map of ids to raw snippets xarray cannot handle arbitrary length string indexes so we need to build a set of unique ids to reference snippets. This method creates the ids and saves the map of raw ids to snippets. Args: override (bool, optional): True to replace any existing outputs. Defaults to ``False`` Returns: str. The file path where output is saved """ # File setup inpath = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_call_df') outpath = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_to_snippet_lookup') self.file_in_validation(inpath) self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) # Process df = read_parquet(inpath, columns=['raw_snippet'], **self.from_parquet_opts) snippet_lookup = df.raw_snippet.unique().to_frame() snippet_lookup['snippet'] = snippet_lookup.raw_snippet.apply(lambda x: hash(x), meta='int64') print(snippet_lookup.head()) snippet_lookup.to_parquet(outpath, **self.to_parquet_opts) return outpath
[docs] def build_snippets(self, spark, na_value=0, override=False): """Builds row-normalized snippet dataset * Dimensions are n snippets x s unique symbols in dataset. * Data is output in zarr format with processing by spark, dask, and xarray. * Creates an intermediate tmp file when converting from spark to dask. * Slow running operation - follow spark and dask status to see progress We use spark here because dask cannot memory efficiently compute a pivot table. This is the only function we need spark context for. Args: spark (pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession): spark instance na_value (int, optional): The value to fill vector where there's no call. Defaults to ``0``. override (bool, optional): True to replace any existing outputs. Defaults to ``False`` Returns: str. The file path where output is saved """ spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "true") print(""" This function uses both spark and dask, make sure you have workers available for both.""") # File setup outpath = self.dye_score_data_file('snippets') snippet_map = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_to_snippet_lookup') inpath = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_call_df') self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) self.file_in_validation(snippet_map) self.file_in_validation(inpath) # Get symbols inpath = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_call_df') self.file_in_validation(inpath) df = read_parquet(inpath, columns=['symbol'], **self.from_parquet_opts) symbols = df.symbol.unique().compute() symbols = sorted(list(symbols.values)) print(f'Dataset has {len(symbols)} unique symbols') # Setup spark files snippet_map = self.spark_convert(snippet_map) inpath = self.spark_convert(inpath) # Process - pivot with spark and save to tmp file df_map =['raw_snippet', 'snippet']) df =['symbol', 'called', 'raw_snippet']) df_to_pivot = df.join(df_map, on='raw_snippet') df_to_pivot = df_to_pivot.drop('raw_snippet') pivot = df_to_pivot.groupBy('snippet').pivot('symbol', symbols).sum('called') pivot = tmp_dir = self.config('TMP_DIR') tmp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp.csv') if self.config('USE_AWS') and tmp.startswith('s3://'): if self.s3.exists(tmp): self.s3.rm(tmp, recursive=True) else: if os.path.exists(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp) pivot.write.csv(self.spark_convert(tmp), header=True) # Process - set_index, normalize and save to zarr dtypes = {symbol: 'float64' for symbol in symbols} dtypes['snippet'] = 'object' pivot_table = read_csv(f'{tmp}/*.csv', dtype=dtypes, storage_options=self.s3_storage_options) pivot_table = pivot_table.set_index('snippet') row_normalize = pivot_table.div(pivot_table.sum(axis=1), axis=0) row_normalize_array = row_normalize.to_dask_array(lengths=True) # - xarray needs uniformly sized chunks row_normalize_array = row_normalize_array.rechunk({0: 'auto', 1: -1}) data_array = DataArray( row_normalize_array, dims=['snippet', 'symbol'], coords={ 'snippet': row_normalize.index.values, 'symbol': row_normalize.columns } ) print(data_array) data_array.to_dataset(name='data').to_zarr(store=self.get_zarr_store(outpath)) # Cleanup if self.config('USE_AWS') and tmp.startswith('s3://'): self.s3.rm(tmp, recursive=True) else: shutil.rmtree(tmp) return outpath
[docs] def build_snippet_snippet_dyeing_map(self, spark, override=False): """Build file used to join snippets to data for dyeing. Adds clean_script field to dataset. Saves parquet file with: * snippet - the int version, not raw_snippet * document_url * script_url * clean_script Args: spark (pyspark.sql.session.SparkSession): spark instance override (bool, optional): True to replace any existing outputs. Defaults to ``False`` Returns: str. The file path where output is saved """ spark.conf.set("spark.sql.execution.arrow.enabled", "true") print(""" This function uses both spark and dask, make sure you have workers available for both.""") # File setup outpath = self.dye_score_data_file('snippet_dyeing_map') snippet_map = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_to_snippet_lookup') inpath = self.dye_score_data_file('raw_snippet_call_df') self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) self.file_in_validation(snippet_map) self.file_in_validation(inpath) tmp_dir = self.config('TMP_DIR') tmp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'tmp.parquet') if self.config('USE_AWS') and tmp.startswith('s3://'): if self.s3.exists(tmp): self.s3.rm(tmp, recursive=True) else: if os.path.exists(tmp): shutil.rmtree(tmp) # Process # - use spark to drop duplicates df = ['top_level_url', 'document_url', 'script_url', 'func_name', 'raw_snippet'] ) df = df.drop_duplicates() df = df.coalesce(40) df = df.write.parquet(self.spark_convert(tmp)) # - merge snippets in df = read_parquet(tmp + '/*.parquet', **self.from_parquet_opts) df['clean_script'] = df.script_url.apply(get_clean_script, meta='O') df_map = read_parquet(snippet_map, columns=['snippet', 'raw_snippet'], **self.from_parquet_opts) df = df.merge(df_map, on='raw_snippet') df = df.drop('raw_snippet', axis=1) df.to_parquet(outpath, **self.to_parquet_opts) # Cleanup if self.config('USE_AWS') and tmp.startswith('s3://'): self.s3.rm(tmp, recursive=True) else: shutil.rmtree(tmp) return outpath
## # Dyeing and Scoring ##
[docs] def compute_distances_for_dye_snippets( self, dye_snippets, filename_suffix='dye_snippets', snippet_chunksize=1000, dye_snippet_chunksize=1000, distance_function='chebyshev', override=False, **kwargs, ): """Computes all pairwise distances from dye snippets to all other snippets. * Expects snippets file to exist. * Writes results to zarr with name ``snippets_dye_distances_from_{filename_suffix}`` * This is a long-running function - see dask for progress Args: dye_snippets (np.array): Numpy array of snippets to be dyed. Must be a subset of snippets index. filename_suffix (str, optional): Change to differentiate between dye_snippet sets. Defaults to ``dye_snippets`` snippet_chunksize (int, optional): Set the chunk size for snippet xarray input, i along the snippet dimension (not the symbol dimension). Defaults to ``1000``. dye_snippet_chunksize (int, optional): Set the chunk size for dye snippet xarray input, along the snippet dimension (not the symbol dimension). Defaults to ``1000``. distance_function (string or function, optional): Provide a function to compute distances or a string to use a built-in distance function. See ```` for template for example distance functions. Default is ``"chebyshev"``. Alternatives are cosine, jaccard, cityblock. override (bool, optional): Override output files. Defaults to ``False``. kwargs: kwargs to pass to distance function if required e.g. mahalanobis requires vi Returns: str. Path results were written to """ # File setup snippet_file = self.dye_score_data_file('snippets') self.file_in_validation(snippet_file) resultsdir = self.config('DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR') file_name = f'snippets_dye_distances_from_{filename_suffix}' outpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, file_name) self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) # Pick distance function built_in_lookup = { 'chebyshev': get_chebyshev_distances_xarray_ufunc, 'cosine': get_cosine_distances_xarray_ufunc, 'jaccard': get_jaccard_distances_xarray_ufunc, 'cityblock': get_cityblock_distances_xarray_ufunc, 'mahalanobis': get_mahalanobis_distances_xarray_ufunc, } dist_func = None if callable(distance_function): dist_func = distance_function else: try: dist_func = built_in_lookup[distance_function] except KeyError: print(f"The non-callable {distance_function} was passed as the distance function, but it does not\ match any of the built-in functions: {','.join(built_in_lookup.keys())}") raise # Process distances df = open_zarr(store=self.get_zarr_store(snippet_file))['data'] df = df.chunk({'symbol': -1}) df_c = df.chunk({'snippet': snippet_chunksize}) df_dye = df.loc[{'snippet': dye_snippets}] df_dye = df_dye.rename({'snippet': 'dye_snippet'}) df_dye_c = df_dye.chunk({'dye_snippet': dye_snippet_chunksize}) distance_array = apply_ufunc( dist_func, df_c, df_dye_c, kwargs=kwargs, dask='parallelized', output_dtypes=[float], input_core_dims=[['symbol'], ['symbol']], ) print(distance_array) distance_array.to_dataset(name='data').to_zarr(store=self.get_zarr_store(outpath)) return outpath
def _validate_thresholds( self, thresholds, resultsdir, filename_pattern, filename_suffix, override, leaky_threshold=None ): thresholds_to_run = [] existing_outpaths = [] # If override is False, don't fail out, check # all thresholds and run those that don't have values for threshold in thresholds: if leaky_threshold: outpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, filename_pattern.format(suff=filename_suffix, t=threshold, leaky_threshold=leaky_threshold) ) else: outpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, filename_pattern.format(suff=filename_suffix, t=threshold) ) try: self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) thresholds_to_run.append(threshold) except ValueError: print(f'Threshold {threshold} exists, skipping.') existing_outpaths.append(outpath) return thresholds_to_run, existing_outpaths
[docs] def compute_leaky_snippet_data(self, thresholds_to_test, filename_suffix='dye_snippets', override=False): """Compute leaky percentages for a range of thresholds. This enables user to select the "leaky threshold" for following rounds. * Writes results to parquet files with name ``leak_test_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}`` Args: thresholds_to_test (list): List of distances to compute percentage of snippets dyed at for e.g. ``[0.23, 0.24, 0.25]`` filename_suffix (str, optional): Change to differentiate between dye_snippet sets. Defaults to ``dye_snippets`` override (bool, optional): Override output files. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: list. Paths results were written to """ resultsdir = self.config('DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR') file_name = f'snippets_dye_distances_from_{filename_suffix}' inpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, file_name) self.file_in_validation(inpath) thresholds_to_run, existing_outpaths = self._validate_thresholds( thresholds_to_test, resultsdir, 'leak_test_{suff}_{t}', filename_suffix, override ) if len(thresholds_to_run) == 0: return existing_outpaths distance_array = open_zarr(store=self.get_zarr_store(inpath))['data'] n_snippets = len(distance_array.coords['snippet']) outpaths = [] for threshold in thresholds_to_run: print(f"{'%H:%M:%S')} Running threshold {threshold}") percent_to_dye = (distance_array < threshold).sum(dim='snippet') / n_snippets outpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, f'leak_test_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}') percent_to_dye.to_dataset(name='data').to_zarr(store=self.get_zarr_store(outpath)) outpaths.append(outpath) outpaths.extend(existing_outpaths) return outpaths
[docs] def compute_snippets_scores_for_thresholds( self, thresholds, leaky_threshold, filename_suffix='dye_snippets', override=False ): """Get score for snippets for a range of distance thresholds. * Writes results to parquet files with name ``snippets_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}`` Args: thresholds (list): List of distances to compute snippet scores for e.g. ``[0.23, 0.24, 0.25]`` leaky_threshold (float): Remove all snippets which dye more than this fraction of all other snippets. filename_suffix (str, optional): Change to differentiate between dye_snippet sets. Defaults to ``dye_snippets`` override (bool, optional): Override output files. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: list. Paths results were written to """ resultsdir = self.config('DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR') file_name = f'snippets_dye_distances_from_{filename_suffix}' inpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, file_name) self.file_in_validation(inpath) thresholds_to_run, existing_outpaths = self._validate_thresholds( thresholds, resultsdir, 'snippets_score_from_{suff}_{t}_leak_{leaky_threshold}', filename_suffix, override, leaky_threshold ) if len(thresholds_to_run) == 0: return existing_outpaths distance_array = open_zarr(store=self.get_zarr_store(inpath))['data'] n_sites = distance_array.shape[0] n_leaky_threshold = leaky_threshold * n_sites outpaths = [] for threshold in thresholds_to_run: print(f"{'%H:%M:%S')} Running threshold {threshold}") n_to_dye = np.sum(distance_array < threshold, axis=0).persist() non_leaky_sites = n_to_dye[n_to_dye < n_leaky_threshold].coords.to_index() distance_array_filtered = distance_array.loc[{'dye_snippet': non_leaky_sites}] site_counts = np.sum(distance_array_filtered < threshold, axis=1) site_counts_df = site_counts.to_dataframe() site_counts_df = site_counts_df.reset_index().rename(columns={'data': 'dye_count'}) site_counts_df['snippet'] = site_counts_df.snippet.astype(int) outpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'snippets_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}' ) from_pandas(site_counts_df, npartitions=1).to_parquet(outpath, **self.to_parquet_opts) outpaths.append(outpath) outpaths.extend(existing_outpaths) return outpaths
[docs] def compute_dye_scores_for_thresholds( self, thresholds, leaky_threshold, filename_suffix='dye_snippets', override=False ): """Get dye scores for a range of distance thresholds. * Uses results from ``compute_snippets_scores_for_thresholds`` * Writes results to gzipped csv files with name ``dye_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}.csv.gz`` Args: thresholds (list): List of distances to compute snippet scores for e.g. ``[0.23, 0.24, 0.25]`` filename_suffix (str, optional): Change to differentiate between dye_snippet sets. Defaults to ``dye_snippets`` override (bool, optional): Override output files. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: list. Paths results were written to """ resultsdir = self.config('DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR') for threshold in thresholds: inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'snippets_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}') self.file_in_validation(inpath) thresholds_to_run, existing_outpaths = self._validate_thresholds( thresholds, resultsdir, 'dye_score_from_{suff}_{t}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv', filename_suffix, override, leaky_threshold, ) if len(thresholds_to_run) == 0: return existing_outpaths snippet_dyeing_map_file = self.dye_score_data_file('snippet_dyeing_map') self.file_in_validation(snippet_dyeing_map_file) snippet_data = read_parquet(snippet_dyeing_map_file, **self.from_parquet_opts) outpaths = [] for threshold in thresholds_to_run: print(f"{'%H:%M:%S')} Running threshold {threshold}") inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'snippets_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}') outpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') site_counts_df = read_parquet(inpath, **self.from_parquet_opts) script_to_dye = snippet_data.merge(site_counts_df, on='snippet') script_to_dye_max = script_to_dye[['clean_script', 'dye_count']].groupby('clean_script').max() script_to_dye_max = script_to_dye_max.rename(columns={'dye_count': 'dye_score'}) if self.s3: with, 'w') as f: script_to_dye_max.compute().to_csv(f) else: script_to_dye_max.compute().to_csv(outpath) outpaths.append(outpath) outpaths.extend(existing_outpaths) return outpaths
## # Dye score evaluation ## def _get_recall(self, dye_score_threshold, score_df, compare_list): retrieved = score_df[score_df.dye_score > dye_score_threshold] if len(retrieved) > 0: retrieved_and_relevant = retrieved[retrieved.clean_script.isin(compare_list)] return len(retrieved_and_relevant) / len(compare_list) else: return np.NaN def _build_plot_data_for_score_df(self, s3, inpath, outpath, compare_list): if s3: with, 'r') as f: score_df = pd_read_csv(f) else: score_df = pd_read_csv(inpath) pr = pd_DataFrame({'dye_score_threshold': np.linspace(0, score_df.dye_score.max(), 1000)}) pr['recall'] = pr.dye_score_threshold.apply( self._get_recall, score_df=score_df, compare_list=compare_list ) pr['n_over_threshold'] = pr.dye_score_threshold.apply(lambda x: (score_df.dye_score > x).sum()) if s3: with, 'w') as f: pr.to_csv(f, index=False) else: pr.to_csv(outpath, index=False) return outpath
[docs] def build_plot_data_for_thresholds( self, compare_list, thresholds, leaky_threshold, filename_suffix='dye_snippets', override=False ): """Builds a dataframe for evaluation Contains the recall compared to the ``compare_list`` for scripts under the threshold. Args: compare_list (list): List of dye scripts to compare for recall. thresholds (list): List of distances to compute snippet scores for e.g. ``[0.23, 0.24, 0.25]`` filename_suffix (str, optional): Change to differentiate between dye_snippet sets. Defaults to ``dye_snippets`` override (bool, optional): Override output files. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: list. Paths results were written to """ resultsdir = self.config('DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR') # Infile validation for threshold in thresholds: inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') self.file_in_validation(inpath) # Outfile validation thresholds_to_run, existing_outpaths = self._validate_thresholds( thresholds, resultsdir, 'dye_score_plot_data_from_{suff}_{t}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv', filename_suffix, override, leaky_threshold ) if len(thresholds_to_run) == 0: return existing_outpaths futures = [] for threshold in thresholds_to_run: print(f"{'%H:%M:%S')} Running threshold {threshold}") inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') outpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_plot_data_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') futures.append( delayed(self._build_plot_data_for_score_df)(self.s3, inpath, outpath, compare_list) ) outpaths = list(compute(futures))[0] outpaths.extend(existing_outpaths) return outpaths
def get_recall_summary_plot_data( self, thresholds, recall_thresholds, leaky_threshold, filename_suffix='dye_snippets', override=True ): resultsdir = self.config('DYESCORE_RESULTS_DIR') # Infile validation for threshold in thresholds: inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_plot_data_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') self.file_in_validation(inpath) # Outfile validation outpath = os.path.join(resultsdir, f'recall_summary_plot_data.csv') self.file_out_validation(outpath, override) # Gather up relevant results results = [] for threshold in thresholds: inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_plot_data_from_{filename_suffix}_{threshold}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') if self.s3: with, 'r') as f: pr_df = pd_read_csv(f) else: pr_df = pd_read_csv(inpath) for recall_threshold in recall_thresholds: # TODO Use idxmin result = {} n_over_threshold = pr_df[pr_df > recall_threshold].sort_values(by='recall').iloc[0]['n_over_threshold'] result['distance_threshold'] = threshold result['n_over_threshold'] = n_over_threshold result['recall_threshold'] = recall_threshold results.append(result) # Make DF and save inpath = os.path.join( resultsdir, f'dye_score_from_{filename_suffix}_{thresholds[0]}_leak_{leaky_threshold}.csv') if self.s3: with, 'r') as f: total_results = len(pd_read_csv(f)) else: total_results = len(pd_read_csv(inpath)) results_df = pd_DataFrame.from_records(results) results_df['percent'] = (results_df.n_over_threshold / total_results) if self.s3: with, 'w') as f: results_df.to_csv(f, index=False) else: results_df.to_csv(outpath, index=False) return outpath